Brooke Eshelman, VP of Operations (and Tech Nerd) recently took part in a lively panel discussion about the future of AI and how it impacts the Title industry at Michigan Land and Title Association’s Spring Summit held in Lansing, Michigan. As a title...
Promotion and Elevated Responsibilities Coincide with Company’s Growth Proliant Settlement Systems, LLC, a leading Title Company Franchise system, announced today that Brooke Eshelman has been promoted to Vice President of Operations. Eshelman, who joined the company...
Proliant Settlement Systems, the originator of the Title Company Franchise model, proudly announces the successful signing of ten new franchisees in 2023. This expansion marks a significant milestone in Proliant’s commitment to providing unparalleled settlement...
Proliant Settlement Systems is excited to announce the latest expansion in its leadership team. With planned market expansion and growth—currently supporting over 30 franchises—adding experienced personnel to the leadership team has been crucial to their success. Of...
Proliant Settlement Systems, a turnkey title company ownership system, will deploy technology among its title agency franchisees. The solution is a secure, digital, white-label SaaS platform, designed to simplify the process of sending and...
Proliant Settlement Systems, LLC is pleased to continue its trend of successful expansion with the addition of new franchisee Aegis Title Partners — a full-service title and real estate settlement service provider with offices in Kalamazoo, Mich., and Apollo Beach,...